Saturday 19 August 2017

Day 20 Mongolia - Chinggis and the last day of the tour

 Day 20 Mongolia
15 August

Last day of the tour!

We woke up to greet Chinggis protecting our camp.  Couldn't really see where we were camping last night so it was interesting waking up to see us in a field surrounded by ger camps, shops and the Chinggis statue.

Last breakfast was Mongolian flatbread made by JoJo.  It's basically pan fried bread.  I don't really know what's in it but it's tasty and it takes jam and whatnot well.

We headed off to Chinggis after breakfast and climbed up inside him to emerge out of his chest and take selfies.

It's a big polished steel statue.  Biggest statue of a horse in the world apparently.  Also a blatant tourist thing.  But everyone got a kick out of it.

I even sent Grandma a postcode.

Driving back to Ulaanbaator everyone was in good spirits.  There was promise of a SHOWER after 3 nights of camping.  I think everyone had their eyes on that particular prize and boy was it glorious when we got to it.

It was so nice to get back to a hotel, be showered and lie down in a bed with wifi and just chill out without any real expectations for the day.

Finished up with a farewell dinner at an Indian restaurant nearby (we're in Mongolia ... why would we eat Indian?!) then some karaoke.

Dinner was nice.  Some soppy speeches were made.  Some passenger voted "awards" given out.  I didn't win anything thankfully.  Jules cried.  JoJo sang.  Someone didn't contribute enough money (Or any at all).

A few people who didn't eat Indian went and had Korean afterwards.  I tagged along for a beer before heading to Karaoke.

The Karaoke was fun although the songs would randomly end.  It's like they specifically shortened some of the songs to allow people to rotate more quickly.  Not a terrible idea but terrible execution. Songs would cut off in the weirdest spot.

And that's the tour over with.

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